We put plan participants first while easing fiduciary burdens
We put plan participants first while easing fiduciary burdens
Interested in adding guaranteed lifetime Income options to your retirement plan?
Open up the road map we’ve created to help you on your way!
Set Yourself Up to Succeed
From participants’ needs to investment strategies, the world was much different when ERISA was passed in 1974. The truth is, today’s fiduciary committees are no longer set up to succeed. Most committee members hold senior positions of significant responsibility, turning added fiduciary responsibilities into a burden, not an opportunity.
Harrison Fiduciary eases the burden retirement plans sponsors shoulder while never sacrificing the best interests of plan participants. We do that by:
Uniquely integrating decades of hands-on legal and investment industry expertise
Solely offering independent fiduciary services, devoid of any conflicts of interest
Creating meaningful relationships with a select group of clients, and
Seeing participants as the colleagues and friends they are.
There are three dimensions of expertise required to manage retirement plans prudently and efficiently – ERISA, investments and corporate governance. Most investment committees don’t possess expertise in all three. We do.

Every hour diverted to retirement plan oversight is one less hour devoted to growing earnings. Our model puts the retirement plan in the hands of fiduciary experts, lets executives focus on their business, while never sacrificing attention to the interests of participants.
Mitchell Shames