Run retirement like a business.
How does any successful company deal with its most challenging, dynamic, and specialized areas? Put specialists in place so they can streamline operations – fulfill best practices consistent with legal and regulatory requirements, cut costs, isolate risk, integrate with other areas and communicate with stakeholders succinctly.
We do that with retirement plan management.
We never lose sight of the interests of plan participants and beneficiaries, while at the same time striving to reduce fees, gain efficiencies and mitigate risk for corporations.
We’re prepared to eliminate the management drain of retirement plans by taking it off your hands, and to decrease the growing risk of retirement plan litigation by assuming many of the fiduciary responsibilities typically held by an in-house fiduciary committee.
So, you can refocus your most precious resource – the energy and experience of executive teams – entirely on the critical initiatives that advance and protect the business.
And, you can put the people most qualified to run retirement plans on the job – like you do with every other function in the business.